

George Stephanopoulos of ABC News in an interview, asked President Biden after the withdrawal of all American Troops from Afghanistan, “why he did not leave 2500 soldiers behind like he was advised by his Generals?”  President Biden’s response was, “no General or member of my staff advised me to leave 2500 soldiers behind in Afghanistan for security purposes and if they did, I do not recall.”

General Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command and General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, each acknowledged during public congressional testimony that they agreed with the recommendation of Army General Austin Miller that 2,500 troops be left behind in Afghanistan.  The General’s would not give the direct details of exactly what they advised President Biden, but they all maintain it was their recommendation the U.S. should keep at least 2500 troops in Afghanistan to move toward a peace agreement between the Taliban and Afghan government.  Thirteen U.S. Service members were killed in a terrorist attack at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport during the drawdown, and President Biden retaliates by ordering a drone attack that bombs a caravan of civilians killing at least seven innocent children.

President Biden must be held accountable for the thirteen U.S. Service Members killed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  President Biden must be held accountable for the crimes against humanity that are currently occurring in Afghanistan.  President Biden’s withdrawal of the Diplomatic Corps will be the catalyst for a Civil War in Afghanistan.  The United States is currently in one of the most vulnerable positions for a terrorist attack based on the decisions made by President Biden.

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