

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, “pictures showing U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents chasing Haitian migrants at the U.S. Mexico Border on horseback are Horrific.” Jen Psaki goes on to say to reporters, “I’ve seen some of the footage, I don’t have the full context. I can’t imagine what context would make that appropriate….”

Over 10,000 migrants living beneath the international bridge in Del Rio isn’t appropriate. The economic burden imposed on the U.S. Mexico Border towns and their Citizens isn’t appropriate.  How can over 10,000 migrants make it to the U.S. Mexico Border and President Biden do and say nothing about this surge of people?  How can President Biden see these migrants and believe he is control of the U.S. Mexico Boarder?  How can President Biden put in place Government Mandates for Covid Vaccinations while over 10,000 migrants are huddled under a bridge living in unhealthy conditions?  President Biden gave every terrorist, drug runner, arms smuggler, and sex trafficker a highway pass to the United States.

I have no ill feelings towards Haitians, Mexicans, South Americans, or any other poor soul that finds themselves living under the International Bridge trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.  I do have ill feelings for U.S. politicians, such as President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that have done and continue to do nothing for these migrants.  I have ill feelings for anyone that chastises our only line of defense at our Southern Border, the U.S. Customs and Boarder Patrol Agents.  Protecting our Borders isn’t designed to keep good people out, it’s designed to protect the good people that live within the United States.

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