
The Tip of the Iceberg

Police have captured the 15 year old migrant who shot a female tourist in the leg and fired at a police officer in Times Square NYC Thursday night. Illegal immigrant Jesus Alejandro Rivas Figueroa, 15 was being housed at the Stratford Hotel on West 70th Street after entering the U.S. in September and travelling from Venezuela. He was apprehended by authorities today. It comes after another group of illegals violently attacked two NYPD officers.

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1 Comment

  • So let me get this straight… the government is more concerned about Bytedance selling off TikTok, but they allow hoards of migrants from all over the world with free entry. Not to mention spy balloons can fly freely over American airspace. Asleep at the wheel much? When will the lunacy end? Common sense isn’t a party line. Defend our country or we will do it ourselves.

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