
Should we question Global Warming?

We’re told the global sea level has risen about 8-9 inches since 1880 supposedly due to a combination of water from melted glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms.  As the Earth has gone through countless transitions over a billion plus years such as the ice age, why is it impossible that it could have gone through a warming period that we are unaware of to date.

Now let’s consider the judgement of former President Barrack Obama.  Whether you liked President Obama or not, I believe anyone would agree he is far from a stupid man.  The Harvard educated and former President wouldn’t make huge investments in properties that are at risk of being underwater in the near future.

The Obamas own an estate on Martha’s Vineyard, which they bought back in 2019 for $11.75 million.


Their Hawaii property sits on 3 acres in the community of Waimanalo on the island of Oahu. They bought the property back in 2015 for $8.7 million.


So I ask you, is this a real threat?

Let us know you what you think in the comments.

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