

Putin has Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich negotiating peace with multiple Ukrainian negotiators, and they all suffered symptoms of what is suspected to be a poisoning attack.  History shows that Putin is capable of such a disgusting act of treachery!

Abramovich, along with at least two Ukrainian negotiators, suffered eye irritation and had peeling skin on their faces and hands according to the Wall Street Journal.

The experts who investigated what happened, “said it was hard to determine whether the symptoms were caused by a chemical or biological agent or by some sort of electromagnetic radiation attack.”  German investigator Christo Grozev said, “the incident was not intended to kill however, rather, it was a warning.”

Putin’s warning to his own oligarch negotiator Abramovich, and the Ukrainian negotiator’s is simple, “do everything I say and want or the next time it will be worse than eye irritation and peeling skin.”

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  • Human life has no meaning for a War Criminal like Putin!! Look what he did this past week, bombing a train station with innocent men, women, and children, trying to leave the Ukraine because of the invasion. Look at all of these innocent dead people. Sanctions meaning nothing to Putin.
    Putin not only wants to take over the Ukraine, but he also wants Ukraine’s dead!!

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