

Calvin Johnson
Written by Calvin Johnson

Brett Hankison, of the Louisville Metro Police Department, was charged with endangering Breonna Taylor’s neighbors after the “no knock” warrant raid on her apartment.  Breonna Taylor is dead, and nobody was charged with that crime.  Brett Hankison of the Louisville Metro Police Department was found not guilty after three hours of deliberation following a five-day trial on the charge of endangering the lives of the three neighbors.

So, the only charges against a white cop following the death of Breonna Taylor were endangering the lives of her neighbors, a pregnant woman, a man, and a five-year-old child. What’s that all about?  No charges against the other police officers, and no charges against Officer Brett Hankison for Breonna’s death.  Where is the justice for Breonna Taylor?

Let me tell you, this cop Brett Hankison’s history is questionable.  When Breonna was killed Hankison had his own issues facing a federal lawsuit for allegedly planting drugs on innocent citizens. Hankison was also accused of sexual assault by a couple of women who said he touched them inappropriately when they were drunk.

Why wasn’t Brett Hankison suspended when he was facing all those allegations?  Why wasn’t Brett Hankison on desk duty when he was facing all those allegations?  Why was Brett Hankison allowed to carry a gun during these allegations?  Is it because he was white?

Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African American emergency room technician was killed on March 13, 2020, during a brutal shooting by white police officers and nobody was held responsible.  I ask you, “WHERE IS THE JUSTICE FOR BREONNA TAYLOR?”

About the author

Calvin Johnson

Calvin Johnson


  • My wife’s also black and not for a moment do I think something like this could happen to her just because she’s black. This didn’t happen because she was black. I would suggest reading the words of Denzel Washington and his take on the other perspective of how things like this can and do happen. If you believe these things happen because “they’re black” and the other person “is white”, you’re just lazily accepting a narrative. It’s a tragedy but I don’t sit here and fret about my wife being black and how she’s in danger because of that.

  • This is definitely a tragedy of justice. White or black, an incident like this should have had someone found at fault. Police are trained to protect but it is understandable when they make mistakes. But how many mistakes go unexplained and not corrected by further training of officers? We find ourselves wondering if incidents like these will stop happening.

  • It breaks my heart that another beautiful woman of color is dead because of reckless white cops.
    I could cry looking at the photos of Breonia. When I see Breonia, I say to myself this could have happened to my wife Jalissa.
    When can we all live in peace and get rid of all of the guns!!

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