Legal News






            New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (Democratic Party) needs to be reminded of what his role is when prosecuting and enforcing the laws of the State of New York. On April 21, 2021 District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced his office will no longer prosecute prostitution and unlicensed massage parlors, his office also dismissed 914 old cases for prostitution and over 5,000 cases of loitering for prostitution.

District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. believes Prostitution laws are unfair to woman and members of the LGBTQ community. District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a statement, “Over the last decade we’ve learned from those with lived experience and from our own experience on the ground: criminally prosecuting prostitution does not make us safer, and does too often, achieves the opposite result by further marginalizing vulnerable, New Yorkers.” Is the District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. calling the prostitutes vulnerable New Yorkers because they are getting arrested for breaking the law? Or are all the men, women, children and of course members of the LGBTQ community, that work, go to school, pay taxes, own property, and do not get arrested the real vulnerable New Yorkers?

New York State Senator Jessica Ramos (Democratic Party) and New York State Senator Julia Salazar (Democratic Party) wrote in an Op-Ed in the New York Daily News, “Criminalization does not address why people trade sex, because most people trade sex out of economic need: to pay bills, make rent, and put food on the table. People often turn to sex work after a life event such as a major health-care bill leaves them economically vulnerable.”  How can the two Senator’s blame a high medical bill on the reason an individual decides on becoming a prostitute? Wasn’t it the Democrat’s that created Health Care for the economically vulnerable?

New York State Senator Liz Krueger (Democratic Party) is set to introduce a new bill to the State Senate that would decriminalize Sex Work in New York while still holding pimps and buyers accountable. Whatever happened to being accountable for your own actions and behavior? Prostitutes may think this new bill is designed to help them, but this bill is going keep them in a trade they need to walk away from. Senator Liz Krueger (Democratic Party) should draft a bill to deter prostitution not a bill that will legitimize sex work.

If the New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (Democratic Party), is going to pick and choose what law he is going to enforce, what is to prevent him from not prosecuting heroin dealers?


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