Controversial Environment




A team of Chinese and U.S. scientists have reached an all-time low morally and ethically, by putting human stem cells into monkey embryos. This human stem cell monkey embryo research is being conducted in China, where the first cases of the Corona Virus aka Covid-19 originated be it in a lab or a meat market that is still to be determined.

The scientist are using human stem cells and monkey embryos for research under the pretense that the genetic make-up is so similar this research can create human organs for transplants. The scientists state this breakthrough in research can help us study how viruses, bacteria, and drugs work in the human bodies. Now of course with all stem cell research, the fallback justification for anything and everything these scientists do is for the ability to cure Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes, Leukemia, Alzheimer Disease, Etc.…

Senior researcher, Juan Carlos Izpsus Belmonte, a professor with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies Gene Expression Laboratory in La Jolla, California, said “The human cells survived, proliferated, and generated several…cell lineages” inside the monkey embryos. Senior researcher Juan Carlos Izpsus Belmonte said in a journal news release, “the creation of such human/monkey chimeras (an individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution) will allow us to gain better insight into whether there are evolutionarily imposed barriers to chimera generation and if there are any means by which we can overcome them.”

Henry Greely, director of the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences in California said this study also paves the way for potentially lifesaving medical advances. Henry Greely also said there was no chance these embryos could have become a living being. Henry Greely reassures the world that these embryos were not implanted into a uterus for gestation, and even if they were, the difference in human and monkey reproductive timeline would have doomed their chances for survival.

I encourage everyone to read the article, “Establishment of embryonic stem cell lines from cynomolgus monkey blastocysts produced by IVF or ICSI”, first published in the American Association for Anatomy September 19, 2001. This article explains the future Human Stem Cell Monkey Embryo research twenty years before was successfully completed. This research is being done in China with no risk of Animal Rights Organization protesting the unethical, immoral, and barbaric treatment of            Rhesus Monkeys and Cynomolgus Monkeys.

It is only a matter of time before this group of Scientists or future Scientists find a way to blend the human and monkey reproductive gestation period to produce a new species under the pretense it is for the common good of the human race…



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