

New York State will announce plans for the retail sales of marijuana by the end of the year, and convicted felons go to the front of the line for retail licenses.  To be one of the state’s first licensed retailers, according to the new law you or a family member must have been convicted of a marijuana-related offense.  The policy announced by Gov. Kathy Hochul, is part of a plan to assure that early business owners in the state’s projected billion-dollar marijuana industry will be members of the communities that have been affected by the nation’s decades-long war on drugs. New York State is going to reward all the illegal drug dealers and convicted felons by giving them licenses to continue in their trade.

Chris Alexander, the executive director of the state’s Office of Cannabis Management, said that by focusing early on “those who otherwise would have been left behind,” New York was in a “Position to do something that has not been done before.”  The New York State legislature seems likely to pass $200 million in this year’s budget to support the marijuana industry, money spent on finding, securing, and renovating storefronts for retailers.  Mr. Alexander said he expected 100 and 200 licenses to go to people who were convicted of a marijuana-related offense before the drug was legalized, or those who have “a parent, guardian, child, spouse, or dependent” with a marijuana conviction.  The state is calling the existing illegal marijuana dealer’s the term “legacy” candidates and they are trying to persuade them to apply for licenses.

State Senator Liz Krueger, a Democrat from the Upper East Side, said she expected the $200 million to be included in the budget to support the marijuana industry.  State Senator Liz Kruger, said, “We want them to be successful, which means we need to help some of them,” she said, adding that signing of leases could be a tricky proposition for dealers who, “were selling illegally behind a building until recently.”  State Senator Liz Krueger said, “They might not have all that bank account and paperwork and lawyers that a real estate person would want to deal with.”  State Senator Liz Krueger wants to make it as easy as possible to secure a store front right in your neighborhood to sell legal marijuana.  Mr. Alexander said his office in addition to conviction-based criteria, he would weigh applicants’ likelihood of running a successful business because the state has revenue goals to meet.  Mr. Alexander wants New York State to benefit from drug addiction in partnership with the drug dealer.

The architect of this new law is Democratic State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes, the Assembly’s majority leader said, “that the move to prioritize those with marijuana convictions was crucial in ensuring that the industry wasn’t dominated by out-of-state conglomerates.” Democratic State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes, said, “We’re trying to do what no other state has done, and that’s focus on their people.”  Democratic State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes, said, “It’s critical because it’s a huge industry that’s going to grow our economy a lot, and I think it makes sense to let that growth begin with New Yorkers.”

Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs, always was, and always will be.  In every New York City neighborhood with a retail marijuana store you can go to bed knowing it is run by a convicted felon or family member of a convicted felon.  Democratic State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes is the person that made it very easy for our children to get access to marijuana, made it very easy for men and woman to feed their addiction, and made it very easy to finance a retail marijuana stores with our tax dollars.  New York State has given up on the war on drugs when they financially partner with convicted drug dealers.

Democratic State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes

Let’s reward convicted felons and give them a License to sell marijuana and destroy the neighborhoods of New York with our permission.

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This Contributing Author requested their identity to remain confidential.


  • I cannot believe what New York is doing. What else can be done to NY to be a dangerous town to visit???? Unbelievable the thinking and rationale of those politicians! I will NOT visit New York with criminals running the town!!!!!

    • I am replying to my own comments. We are praying for the Ukraine invasion by Russia be stopped and many other issues. So I believe we should also pray that God come soon because when criminals are being paid to sell drugs, we are all in big trouble!!!

  • Only in New York can the Politicians justify giving licenses to convicted felons for the purpose of selling Marijuana. Not only are convicted felons going to be selling Marijuana, but we are going to finance it with our tax dollars!! What happened to the campaign, of “Just Say No to Drugs”? How can I educate my children on the dangers of drugs when the Government is helping felons sell Marijuana in Stores financed by the State?

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