Your Frank Opinion

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  • The Supreme Court Rejects Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan, June 30, 2023

    Tens of millions of borrowers stood to benefit from the proposed $400 billion debt cancellation. The Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration overstepped its authority.

    This is a major victory for every person that couldn’t get a student loan. This teaches our graduates they have to pay their debts.
    This also teaches Biden you cannot buy votes with our tax dollars.

  • The Supreme Court, rules against the LGBTQ community on June 30, 2023.

    “Freedom of Speech and Religious Conviction”, is protected when you refuse to take part in any and all LBGBTQ community functions.
    You are no longer forced to take part in any LGBTQ escapade.

  • The Supreme Court, ends affirmative action on June 30, 2023.

    Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr.’s, dream came true.
    We all have equal opportunity based on academic merit.
    No more free rides based on your complexion or ethnicity.

    Be careful what you wish for you may just get it.

  • Why is it that when discussing the massive amount of illegals in this country now, I keep hearing from people that it would be impossible to round them up because after all, who can find them…… Well where is the government sending their checks? Agents can’t use that as a starting point? Or track the free cell phones they’re given?

    • Nick did you know across the entire United States five days a week the Government can round up illegal aliens or what are now called undocumented citizens in Criminal Courts. That’s right Criminal Court. Every day the Criminal Courts are open you will have illegal aliens utilizing the services of the Public Defender’s Office defending these people for crimes that range from Larceny, Burglary, Rape, Drug Trafficking, Human Trafficking, and Murder.
      And Nick to add insult to injury your tax dollars pay the salary of the Public Defender’s representing these illegal alien Criminals.

  • The United States, Germany, Poland, and Britain are supplying the Ukraine Government with tanks to fight the Russian Invasion.
    Vladimir Putin is the only person responsible for the dead men, women, children, and soldiers on both sides of this war.

  • It is alarming how unaware Whoopi Goldberg is of the historical facts concerning the Holocaust. Once again Whoopi Goldberg in a recent interview said the Holocaust was not about race.

    Well, “The Nazis codified their persecution of Jews into the Nuremberg laws which legally classified Jewish people as a separate lesser race than Adolf Hitlers preferred White, Aryon Race.”

    The Holocaust was all about race.

  • On December 25, 2022, “China’s military sent 71 planes and seven ships toward Taiwan in a 24-hour display of force directed at the self-ruled island”, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said on Monday.
    China’s leader Xi Jinping has no fear or respect for the current administration, especially since they have expanded trade with Vladimer Putin of Russia.

  • The German court on December 20, 2022, convicted 97-year-old Irmgard Furchner as an accessory to over 10,505 murders for her role as secretary to the Nazi SS commander stationed at Stutthof concentration camp. German prosecutors should convict every one of the remaining Nazis and Nazi Collaborators before they die of old age.

  • United State trade sanctions against Russia in protest of the war in the Ukraine has no effect on Russia. Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Xi Jinping of China are currently expanding trade between each Country, while our interest rates go up and production goes down.

  • On December 16, 2022, Vladimir Putin, and his Russian army launched 76 missiles on at least four cities attacking the civilian infrastructure in the Ukraine.
    On September 8, 1941, Adorf Hitler, and his German forces closed in on the Soviet city of Leningrad initiating a siege that claimed the lives of 800,000 civilians.
    Do you see the similarity?

  • The Israeli military shoots and kills Jana Zakarneh a 16-year-old Palestinian girl in the occupied West Bank on Sunday Night saying she was killed by “unintentional” Israeli fire “aimed at armed gunmen.”
    The Israeli military has no excuse for the killing of an unarmed 16-year-old girl. Rules of war know your enemy.

  • Patriarch Krill, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, encourages and defends the invasion the Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin, and Patriarch Krill justify the war in the Ukraine as a necessity to protect the Russian Orthodox Church. This is a low point for the Russian Orthodox Church.

  • Since February 21, 2022, the Russian Government according to Vladimir Putin has been conducting a “Special Military Operation” against the Ukraine. Nine months the Ukrainian people have been fighting for their lives and country. We all must support the Courages Ukrainian Citizens against Vladimir Putin.

  • North Korea test fired a Rocket that can reach the United States. Why? Because North Korea has no fear of, or respect for President Biden. Vice President Kamela Harris condemns the test firing of the North Korean Rocket.

    Guess what? North Korea does not care about any condemnation from our President or other world leaders.
    The United States is not safe under the current Presidential Administration!

  • There is no reason why a gas station should sell premium gasoline for $4.99 a gallon at 10:00 PM and then raise the price of premium gasoline to $5.13 a gallon the following day without even receiving a new delivery of fuel.

    We are all getting robbed at the pump.

  • 10,000 civilians killed in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol since the Russian invasion began! The Mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boychenko told The Associated Press that corpses were “carpeted through the streets of our city” and that the death toll could be more than 20,000.
    Six weeks into the war and Russia is going to regroup and attack Eastern Ukraine even harder than what has been done in Western Ukraine.
    President Biden how many dead Ukraine’s is it going to take before you and the rest of the World stop Putin. Putin is a war criminal, and history is repeating itself this war is genocide!!!

    • Not only President Biden but the rest of the world is standing by watching and seeing the atrocities. Yes weapons, etc. are being sent to Ukraine but the aid is not keeping people from being killed in so many ways!!!

  • There are conspiracy theorists and then there are conspiracy theorists …….
    Let’s run this one up the flagpole, today I’ve read an article about how China is killing people to harvest their organs and sell them on the dark web. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this but let’s consider this for an “out there theory”. Biden, with his ties to China may not be bringing in thousands of immigrants to further his socialist agenda. What if these people that are being scattered throughout the US are nothing more than inventory….. They begin to disappear??… Anyone ever see the old Charlton Heston movie “Soylent Green”? Ponder that for a while.

  • How many Ukrainian men, women, and children have to be displaced from their homes, taken as prisoners to Russia, murdered in cold blood before free Nations around the World do something of meaning to stop Putin once and for all?

  • Well President Biden, did you see all of the dead bodies in Bucha Ukraine? Ukraine men and women with their hands bound were shot at close-range with signs of torture found on the outskirts of Kyiv after Russian soldiers withdrew from the area.
    All of the sanctions, President Biden imposed, the U.N. imposed, and Nato imposed means nothing to Putin.
    When are you all going to realize Putin laughs at your sanctions, since he has the hidden Tiger on his side which is China?
    Putin put himself in a corner with only three ways out, President Zelensky surrenders, Putin Kills himself, or the World realizes Putin has to be taken out of power with full force once and for all.

  • Lia Thomas the transgender swimmer should not be allowed to compete as a female in the NCAA. Lia Thomas was a champion swimmer as a male and competing as a female is taking away from naturally born female athletes’ ability to compete on an even playing field.

    What kind of accomplishment can you Lia Thomas feel knowing you were once a male, transitioned to a female and are now winning against girls?
    Lia Thomas you are a six-foot one-inch guy, with the built of a guy swimming against girls.
    Do what you want with your body, life, and mental health, but stay out of the girls only pool, because you are not a girl!!
    As a feminist I can say you are a transgender female with no honor!!

    • I agree. But you sound nuts using the self proclaimed title of “feminist” as justification to your right to say what you say. You being a feminist isn’t why you can say that, the fact you’re an American with the first amendment is why you can say it.

      • I am a “feminist”, and you sound ignorant calling me nuts. Someone like you agreeing with me makes me wonder if I am right.
        And “feminist”, like me have been disenfranchised by the Democratic Party, so I want the World to know we are here, we are strong, and proud to call ourselves “feminists”. I don’t know if you are transgender, or looking to become one, that’s your business just stay out of the deep end of the pool with girls!

  • I hope the News Reports are true that Putin’s inner circle is getting smaller and smaller! Putin is also according to the News Reports, locking up members of his government that disagree with him. Putin’s paranoia is starting to show by his behavior and isolation. You cannot negotiate with Putin! Putin kill’s defenseless men, women, and children!! Putin has to kill himself in his bunker!!

  • I cannot believe the way Nancy Pelosi introduced President Zelensky to Congress today.
    Nancy Pelosi is smiling and cheerful and trying to speak Ukraine to President Zelensky like a game show host.
    Hey Pelosi, you idiot President Zelensky had to send his wife and children into hiding because Putin wants them dead.
    Hey Pelosi, President Zelinsky is fighting Putin for democracy, his country, his people, and his own life.
    Hey Pelosi, did you see the video President Zelensky prepared for the end of his plea for help.
    Hey Pelosi, did you see the bombings of President Zelinsky’s cities, the old people fleeing for their lives, the dead children, the families torn apart, the fear in the people’s eyes, and the senseless destruction of the residential property, the pregnant women fleeing bombed out hospitals.
    Hey Pelosi, the history books will show what you didn’t do for President Zelensky and the millions of Ukraine People when they needed help from the United States.

  • I paid over $60.00 to fill up my truck today. My home heating oil bill is double what I paid last year a gallon it was over $1,300.00. What the hell are we supposed to do next year? And this is not tax deductible! We are paying more money to go to work then last year!! The economy is a mess, and the Democrati’s say we are in good shape?

    What are we going to do next month, or next year?

  • McDonalds, Starbucks, Coke and Pepsi are going to pull out of Russia. Does anyone really think Putin cares what McDonalds, Starbucks, Coke or Pepsi does in Russia? Putin doesn’t care if anyone got a BigMac, Coffee, or a Cola.

    Putin bombed a Childrens Hospital in the Ukraine. Putin doesn’t care about human life in the Ukraine, Russia or anywhere else in the World.

    The United States, European Union, and Nato have to do something to get Putin out of power before more innocent men, women, and children die.

  • I cannot believe in this day and age we have a rotten communist leader like Putin controlling the world. That’s right look at the fuel pumps, look at the food prices, and look at the bombing of the Ukraine.
    I saw on the news today the Russian soldiers bombing where civilians were just trying to escape the war and a man, an old woman, and a little girl were killed.
    Those Russian soldiers are cowards to kill old, people and children. Russian soldiers in the Ukraine have no honor.
    How many more people have to die before something is done to stop Putin, because what NATO, the United States, and the European Union are doing now is not stopping this Putin animal.
    What are we waiting for to get in this fight, a bomb hitting a Nuclear Plant?
    Putin the animal has to be put down, before he destroys us all!!

    • Let’s be clear about gas prices, they were escalating since the day Biden took office by shutting down the pipeline and stopping fracking. This Ukraine disaster only compounds the problem. The root of it is Biden as we were energy INDEPENDENT!

    • Him and about 80% of the worlds leaders.
      The other side of this is the globalists and the “great reset” led by the world economic forum. Groceries, consumer goods, and petroleum were already on the rise. These globalists need the energy and fuel prices to sky rocket so high that we all buckle and decide we must go along with the green movement. Look up the ceo of black rock, I’m sure you can find the video of his interview saying just that.

  • Vladimir Putin and Russia’s national parliament, the Duma, passed a new law Friday that will make it a criminal act to call the war in Ukraine a war.

    Vladimir Putin said you will be subject to fifteen years in jail if you are court calling the war in Ukraine a war or protest against the Ukraine War.

    Freedom of speech is over in Russia.

  • As a Jew the expression “Never Again” has so much meaning.
    I cannot believe in the year 2022 we are seeing the unprovoked attack of the Ukraine by Vladimer Putin. Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine reminds me of the 1939 invasion of Poland by the Nazi’s.
    To my Jewish brother’s and sister’s remember President Zelensky is a Jew like us, and he needs our help to fight the Communist Dictator Putin.
    And even if President Zelensky wasn’t Jewish, we must stand together to make sure invasions like the one in the Ukraine “NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN”.

  • Vladimir Putin has the blood of innocent Ukraine, men, women, and children on his hands. Putin should be held accountable for War Crimes for the invasion of the Ukraine. The Russian People and military should rise up and remove Putin from power immediately before more lives are lost on this unprovoked war.

  • Whoopi Goldberg over a week ago on her talk show “The View” said, “the Holocaust was not about race.” Whoopi Goldberg’s statement and her explanation that it could not be about race because the German Nazi’s were white, and the Jewish prisoners were white has to be the dumbest statement I ever heard concerning the Holocaust next to the idiots that say it never happened.

    Whoopi Goldberg’s statement in of itself is racist. I have watched several interviews of Whoopi Goldberg trying to do damage control, and honestly, she is making it worse for herself when she said, “I am sorry people feel I was insensitive, and that they do not understand what I meant.”
    Now Whoopi Goldberg is putting the blame back on the listener concerning her ignorant statement.

    ABC has suspended Whoopi Goldberg from the talk show “The View” for two weeks with pay, so is that a punishment or a paid vacation?
    Should Whoopi Goldberg, get fired for being an ignorant insensitive racist?
    Should Whoopi Goldberg, be made to apologize for her stupidity concerning the six million plus men, women, and children that were murdered by the Nazi Party?
    Or should Whoopi Goldberg, shut her mouth and only speak when she has something of well-informed value to say?

    I suggest Whoopi Goldberg get an education before she voices her opinion on the public and lose the authorative tone.

    • Mr. Frank, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. So, I will keep this friendly. I love Whoopi Goldberg and The View. Ok, she should not have said what she said about the Holocaust, but know this Whoopi isn’t a racist. She helps everyone. She made a mistake when she said that stuff about white people, she was just full of emotion that day, we all get that way at times.

      • I have to disagree. Whoopi is in line with the current “woke” view and system of definition changes. The anti defamation league recently changed the definition of racism. Before it was stated that racism is when any race believes they are superior over another race. Now it has been changed to when any people of color are discriminated against by white people and white culture. If you don’t believe me go look it up, these are their own words. This also explains her view that Jewish people are considered white by “colored” peoples standards, and the same goes for Italians. Where in the past Italians were definitely not considered white. Not to mention her “apology” was her doubling down on her statement. So as much as you like her, from her track record on things like this, you seem to be in the wrong, sorry.

        • Hey Clifford, just because the NAACP changed the meaning of “Racism”, doesn’t mean they are correct.
          You, Whoopi Goldberg, and Calvin Johnson should read a History Book about the Holocaust. The German Nazi Party considered themselves the superior race. The German Nazi’s killed German Jews, and European Jews because they considered Jews the inferior race.
          Racism isn’t only about the pigmentation of your skin. Racism is about one racial group thinking they are better then another.

    • Like I mentioned to the dude below, the anti defamation league changed the definition of racism. Her view that Jewish people are white, and that the holocaust wasn’t about race, falls right in line with the new definition based on “woke” standards. It’s race based Marxism. The real horror here is that these things have been implemented into the black community for decades, and people need to claim back their critical thinking and stop being skin deep about this type of crap.

  • President Biden’s first address to the United Nations as commander-in-chief is another embarrassment for the United States. President Biden got elected on the backs of dead Americans from the coronavirus pandemic and the fear of climate change, and now he is trying to use his campaign speech at the United Nations. World Leader’s, friends or foe, realize President Biden is weak with no leadership skills.
    France does not trust President Biden after Australia canceled a multibillion dollar submarine deal to pursue a similar agreement with the United States. President Biden’s withdraw of US Troops from Afghanistan is criticized in the United States and abroad. President Biden’s drone strike killed Afghan civilians many of which were children, a clear indication of what not to do when it comes to helping our allies.
    President Biden is not capable of creating any alliance with foreign countries when he is not capable of working with the United States’ trusted allies.

  • Today on September 1, 2021 President Biden said, “The withdraw from Afghanistan is a Success”.
    President Biden, the word success is a noun and it means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. President Biden if your aim in Afghanistan was to abandon Americans Citizens, abandon Afghan workers, abandon Military Equipment, abandon a Diplomatic Presence in a Country the United States invested Millions and Millions of Dollars, and sacrificed the of lives Men and Woman in uniform then congratulation, “Mission Accomplished”.

  • Two Suicide Bombers killed at least 60 Afghans and 13 U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021. These two Suicide Bombers attacked innocent Afghans and the United State Marines at the Kabul Airport, and Baron Hotel. According to the Military Intelligence Office, ISIS was responsible for these Suicide Bombings.
    Several hours after the Suicide Bombings, President Biden read a speech from a Teleprompter to the Press and took questions from a prearranged group of reporters. I must note the first thing President Biden said when he addressed the Reporters was, ” Tough Day”.
    President Biden, what is wrong with you! A “Tough Day” is when your car breaks down on the way to work; today was a tragic day for the families of the fallen soldiers, and the innocent Afghan’s trying to escape Taliban Rule. President Biden and his advisors are incapable of protecting the Americans still in Afghanistan. President Biden you are hand delivering Afghanistan to the Taliban officially on August 31, 2021. President Biden, single-handedly has given ISIS a major victory over our country, when the Suicide Bombers killed American Soldiers, and Afghan Citizens.
    President Biden has been tested, and failed. President Biden the loss of life today in Afghanistan is on your hands, just as much as the ISIS Suicide Bombers.

  • President Biden’s, “Press Conference” on August 24, 2021 to report on the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disgrace. President Biden white washed over the Afghanistan Crisis, while focusing his press conference on his $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. President Biden basically said, “After August 31, 2021 he has no plan in place to remove American’s and Contract Workers Stranded in Afghanistan because he does not want to anger the Taliban.” President Biden, as of today multiple News outlets are reporting the United States has lost all credibility with NATO. President Biden, you should stop reading speeches from a teleprompter reporting the Afghanistan withdrawal is successful. President Biden the withdrawal from Afghanistan is an on going disaster, and every time you say it is a success you loose credibility world wide.

  • Chuck Schumer, “U.S. Senator of New York” found time to dance in the Street in New York City on August 21, 2021, while the Taliban was gathering every piece of military equipment left behind by the United States Military. What is wrong with Chuck Schumer, by now he should have been on his soap box screaming we need to have an investigation into the Presidents actions concerning the Afghanistan Crisis. Chuck Schumer is getting slow on demanding the President should be Impeached. Senator Schumer with all do respect it is clear President Biden’s mental health prevents him from carrying out his duties as Commander in Chief of the Military. Senator Schumer the United States is losing all credibility as the leading country for Democracy under President Biden’s Command. Senator Schumer please don’t dance on any Street in New York again or anywhere else for that matter you are terrible, you lack soul.

  • The events this past week in Afghanistan will forever be a blemish on our Country and Democracy. President Biden just helped create a Political Party out of a Terrorist Group. The Taliban is nothing more than a tribe of gangsters hiding behind the Muslim Religion. The Taliban picks, chooses, and distorts passages from the Quran to justify the most heinous acts of brutality against men, children, and especially defenseless women. President Biden, has the dumbest Advisor’s, General’s, and Intelligence Officer’s for any administration to date. You can never believe the words that come out of the mouth of a Terrorist. A Terrorist does not play by any rules.
    President Biden with the utmost respect to you as a man and the office you hold, this withdraw from Afghanistan with no safe exit for civilians and government contractors is your mistake no one else, you’re the current President. Stop trying to justify your actions by reading a prepared script while avoiding question from the press…. President Biden you should be embarrassed.

    • Nancy Pelosi, “Speaker of The United States House of Representatives” has been silent concerning the Afghanistan debacle. Nancy Pelosi’s silence in reference to the Afghanistan crisis is something every citizen must remember on election day. Is Nancy Pelosi hiding from the public because she knows President Biden is not fit for office? But Nancy Pelosi did find time to raise money for her Political Party on August 22, 2021 in Napa Valley while Afghani contract workers were looking for a way to escape the Taliban. I guess no one from the BLM caucus was invited to this gathering in Napa Valley? Nancy Pelosi the Hypocrite.

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